Go and ask Lao Zhang for some Chinese ink. 去跟老张讨点儿墨汁。
Poster Design in Contemporary China Benchmarking Study of Chinese Ink Painting 当代中国招贴设计对中国水墨画的借鉴研究
The sophisticated lines of Chinese ink painting are translated into his oil painting as the predominant artistic vocabulary. 关良以中国水墨画巧究的线条,成为其重要的艺术语言。
Mike: Thanks. I am studying the Chinese ink and wash technique. 麦克:谢谢。我现在正在学习中国水墨画。
This is a very rare representational language in contemporary Chinese ink painting. 这是一种现代中国水墨画极其少见的表现语言。
He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism. 除了擅长中国水墨画,陈文希也精通西洋油画。他勇于尝试不同的风格,例如融入野兽派和立体派的创作。
Chinese Ink Paintings and Creation of Local Design 理念再生和创意生成&中国水墨画和本土艺术设计的创建之一
3, phagocytic experiment: phagocytosis of chicken erythrocytes and prepared Chinese ink; 吞噬鸡红细胞及墨汁颗粒实验检测其吞噬功能;
In order to transform the art language of figures in Chinese ink paintings, we have to break free form the traditional ideas, deriving nourishment form foreign art, reform and develop our own art language so as to make it full of vigor. 要对水墨人物画艺术语言进行转化,就要打破传统观念的束缚,汲取外来艺术的营养,改造和发展自己的艺术语言,使之更具生命力。
Zhu Wei is the world's most renowned contemporary Chinese ink painter and the art form's most important explorer. 朱伟是最具国际声誉的当代水墨画家,是中国当代水墨画最重要的探索者和代表人物之一。
The history of Chinese ink goes back to ancient times. 中国墨的历史发展源远流长,现存最早的古墨是在战国时期。
Can the color and richness of oils and the flow and harmony of Chinese ink work together in a complementary way? 油画的色感和浓郁与国画的流畅和风韵,彼此可以补充吗?
Beautiful Xitang just like Chinese ink painting. 美丽的西塘就像中国的水墨画一样迷人。
He inventively incorporates traditional Chinese ink in its solid form into his works. 他创造性地将传统的条墨用于作品创作。
Experimental study of Chinese ink as a new type of dye tracer in sentinel lymph node biopsy~. 中华墨汁作为前哨淋巴结活检新型示踪剂的实验研究。
The traditional Chinese painting makes line drawing its modeling base and thinks highly of using brushes and inks and makes the Chinese ink color the essential tone and modeling means. 中国画以线描为造型基础,重视用笔用墨,以墨色作为中国画的基本色调和造型手段。
Well, I'm especially keen on Chinese ink paintings. 嗯,我特别喜欢中国国画。
A Image-Based Rendering Method for Chinese Ink Painting 一种基于图像的水墨风格绘制方法研究
Arts Habitat Creation and Development of Space& Innovative Thinking on Chinese Ink Painting 艺境创构与空间拓展&对中国水墨艺术创新的思考
From this broad cultural background, what is your most direct impression of contemporary Chinese ink painting? 从大的文化背景来说,你对当代的中国画最直观的印象是什么?
This combination of two constitutes form from the North-east contemporary narrative and the basic structure of Chinese ink and wash. 而这二者的结合,构成了东北当代水墨叙事的基本结构。
In this thesis, the major contribution is to improve the performance of synthesizing the Chinese ink styles. 本篇论文研究的重点,便是改善水墨画效果产生的运算速度。
In addition, we do an elementary research on the simulation of Chinese ink wash drawings with non-photorealistic rendering, A method based on image analogies is brought forward. 此外,本文对非真实感绘制生成水墨画还进行了初步的研究,提出了基于图像类比生成水墨画风格艺术作品的方法。
Chinese ink painting, where they become a common black pigment. 中国画的水墨在他们那里变成了一种普通的黑色颜料。
A comparison has been made between Chinese ink painting and underglaze blue decoration, their similarities and their differences have been found and their respective features portrayed. 比较了中国画艺术和青花艺术的相似之处,分析了其差异所在。阐述了各自不同的特点。
Preliminary discussion about similarities and differences between Chinese ink painting and underglaze blue decoration 浅谈中国画艺术和青花艺术的相似与差异
"Dragon's whiskers"& Xiao Qian created this word, using its delicate imagery to express the essence and beauty of Chinese ink painting. “龙须”&萧乾先生创造的这个词,以其玲珑的意象把水墨的技艺和神髓完美的表达了出来。
Research on Computer Simulation of Diffusion of Chinese Ink Paint 水墨画计算机仿真的墨扩散效果研究
A style or technique in drawing or delineating. A Image-Based Rendering Method for Chinese Ink Painting 风格,技巧绘画或描绘中的风格或技巧一种基于图像的水墨风格绘制方法研究
It was a night that was like a Chinese ink painting, I enjoyed the joy of family. 在一个如诗如画的晚上,我正在享受一家三口融融的暖意。